JilGraph Unit Tests

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delete_job: AAA delete_machine: BBB /* * Box1s 1 */ insert_job: box1 job_type: b /* Job 1_1 */ insert_job: job1_1 /* Another comment */ job_type: c box_name: box1 command: start "/* 'some'thing */" insert_job: job1_2 job_type: c box_name: box1 condition: s(job1_1) and s(externalJob)
delete_job: AAA delete_machine: BBB insert_job: box1 job_type: b insert_job: job1_1 job_type: c box_name: box1 command: start "" insert_job: job1_2 job_type: c box_name: box1 condition: s(job1_1) and s(externalJob)
insert_job: job1_1 box_name: box1 command: start ""